Sweetwater is a wonderful historical town. It has the oldest church in the county, wonderful antique shops, good local food and nice people. It also holds 2 little known old stone mounds. I found only in my family's stories and Mr. Leniors 1916 book entitled "History of Sweetwater Valley , Tennessee" evidence to verifly this story. (http://www.archive.org/stream/historyofsweetwa00leno/historyofsweetwa00leno_djvu.txt Full book see page 22-23) The mounds are plowed over now and there is no reason to visit, but you can GoogleEarth where these 2 stone mounds MAYBE used to be located and see just a bit of the remnants. Many people have speculated they were built before the local Cherokee and Creek and De Soto and perhaps pre-Columbians were there. I personally believe the history of my Native families vs. my European familes and what I learned in school in the 1960's are a bit off. Anyways.... There were two stone mounds just north & east of the present Old Sweetwater Church. Both have been plowed down, but the West of the RR Tracks site MAY still be in better shape. There is a small stream that runs near it. It is Illegal to dig up these sites, DO NOT ATTEMPT, just take pictures and decide for your self.
Below are my arial assessments.... By Google Earth & Joyce K.
<---North of Old Sweetwater Cemetery possible
remains of 1st stone mound Site.
<----- Old Sweetwater Church
<----- Old Sweetwater Cemetery
East of RR Tracks, possible 2nd site of Stone Mounds. Also notice the rock strewn area & the old lines and streams.
Designed, hosted and sole thoughts of
Joyce K 2009-present